Our move to level 2 - what this means for you!

 We are so excited to be able to open our doors again on Wednesday! 

When you visit us in store, please be assured that we will be adhering to strict Covid-19 protocols: 

 - Contact tracing needs to be undertaken by everyone - Masks need to be worn in store by all customers and staff 

 - 2m social distancing Click & Collect If you would still feel more comfortable purchasing this way, no problem at all. 

 In Home Deliveries If you were waiting for Level 2 to receive your furniture then we will be in touch. Also, please feel free to give us a call or email us at online@furnish.co.nz to arrange this. 

 Our delivery teams will be contact tracing, wearing masks and practising social distancing of 2m whilst in your home. Unfortunately they will not be able to remove packaging or set up your furniture in order to reduce the time of contact between everybody. 

 As of Wednesday we will be opening our standard hours of 9-5 Monday-Friday, 9.30-5 Saturday and 10-4 Sunday. 

 We can’t wait to see you!